Type de publication : Articles de périodiques
Health-related and subjective quality of life of older adults…
19 juillet 2016
Renaud, J., Levasseur, M., Gresset, J., Overbury, O., Wanet-Defalque, M.-C., Dubois, M.-F., . . . Desrosiers, J. (2010). Health-related and…
Lire la suite de Health-related and subjective quality of life of older adults…
Evaluation of a recently implemented clinical eccentric viewing program
Duquette, J., Jean, D., Loiselle, J. et Wanet-Defalque, M.-C. (2013). Evaluation of a recently implemented clinical eccentric viewing program. Visibility,…
Lire la suite de Evaluation of a recently implemented clinical eccentric viewing program
Psychological adaptation to visual impairment
Bergeron, C. M. et Wanet-Defalque, M.-C. (2013). Psychological adaptation to visual impairment : The traditional grief process revised. British Journal of…
Lire la suite de Psychological adaptation to visual impairment