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Tango through different eyes

Duquette, J., Douville, M., Témisjian, K., Steinmander, L., Cataford, G., Poldma, T., . . . McKinley, P. A. (2012). Tango through different eyes. Adapting tango classes for seniors with visual impairment. Longueuil : INLB. 47 pages.

A multidisciplinary research project took place in 2010 in order to verify the feasibility of developing an Argentine tango course adapted for seniors with visual impairment (VI), and to assess the impact of this course on their physical and psychological well-being. This document aims at transferring the knowledge acquired from this project. If offers elements that could serve as guidelines for clinicians or organizations who would like to adapt a tango course in order to integrate seniors with VI. It presents, amongst others, various types of adaptations that could facilitate their integration, recommendations aimed at facilitating the implementation of an adapted tango course within the community as well as the perceptions of the participants of this research and their dance partners.

Sujets : Danse; Participation sociale; Personne âgée

Type de document : Rapport et produit de recherche

Aussi disponible en français, sous le titre : Pour une vision différente du tango. L’adaptation des cours de tango pour les personnes aînées ayant une déficience visuelle.

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